Saturday, January 31, 2009

A photoshoot gone wrong!

It wasn't terrible but I wanted to try out this cute rug I got for CHEAP at Ikea yesterday. The lighting was okay although I accidently underexposed causing noise in the photos - then I had one uncooperative boy and a girl who was not really into it either. Add to that the fact that I need a taller ladder so the kids don't look like they are sliding down a hill and you end up with a pretty goofy shoot!
Maybe I should put shoes on her next time??? LOL Oh well - they turned out pretty cute. My mom has pictures of her with this same suitcase when she was about this age too.

Friday, January 30, 2009


So my little Miss Mollie got a new dress - GAP clearance and I thought it would make for great pictures! I think I was right! The people driving by me on the pretty busy roads must have thought I was nuts taking pictures but you would never know I was right next to the road!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All by himself!

These are by no means wonderful photos but I have to share them anyways since they are show my little boy putting his own hat on while getting ready for daycare on Wednesday. He was so proud of himself for getting it on all by himself!! I made a huge deal and took the photos and he grinned the whole time!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sad little snowman!!!

It snowed AGAIN here today and the kids had a blast playing in the fresh snow. There were parts of snowmen all over the big field outside my classroom - sadly not one snowman was fully built!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Crazy Boy

So before skating we got a snack at the coffee shop that is in the Rec Centre. I was snapping a few pics of the kids while I waited. It started out okay and then Wil went all goofy on me!!!!


Currently our Monday nights are skating nights. Mollie is a pretty good little skater. She has taken two sets of lessons before but the last time was a year ago. She was nervous the first day but now that she has mastered getting up on her own if she falls she is rockin!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My babies had to go to their father's today so I was without my normal photography subjects. As a result I was out doing errands and happened to stumble across a little farm with some cows. Not your normal thing in the city. I have to say these subjects stayed far more still than my kids!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mommy and me

Mollie did this drawing for me tonight - I think it is awesome considering she is only 3! I am the taller one and she tells me that she even drew my knees! LOL Sooo cute - this is definitely going to be scrapbooked!

While Spencer my little model was here I took some pics of him with out the bibs on and snapped a few of my goofy guy too.

I was asked to take some product pictures for a friend who makes baby clothing and bibs from recycled/reclaimed fabric. My friend's little guy was just the right age to be the model - I think they turned out pretty good. If you like the bibs you can see more of her products here: Starshine Ecowear